Monday, December 7, 2009

Nemo Revision

For the second week of class I read Little Nemo in the Palace of Ice, among other comic books. From just the cover I didn't think I would like it very much but once I got into the actual book I was surprised that I actually liked the idea quite a bit. I liked how it really played with the readers imagination, in Slumberland anything could happen. The adventures that Nemo and his friends went on were very whimsical and I enjoyed the transitions, they were very dream like and fit the story well.

The biggest problem I had with this comic book was that the characters were extremely flat. Nemo, the main character of the story, never really says much or does anything for that matter, he is just... there. The only time he actually does anything is it the last panel, when he wakes up, which I'll elaborate on later. Then there is his friend Flip who is the mischief maker of the comic, always getting into trouble some how. I would say that I didn't read enough of the strip to see changes in the characters but it was an entire story arch contained within the book so I am a little disappointed. It is based it a dream world so there is no excuse for the characters not to change at least a little. The shell of a character that Nemo is reminds me of the Twilight series and how Bella is just a shell for ever little girl to identify with so they can make money and it seems like that what the author is doing to Nemo so it is easy for little kids to identify with him. I can't really say it is a bad plan but for a more advanced reader it is annoying when you see Nemo for what her really is, it's kind of a let down. But the comic wasn't all bad, I did enjoy the large format not normally seen in comics these day and the ending panel of the comics.

One part of Little Nemo I found interesting and I feel the need to elaborate on is how the last plane of every comic is him waking up in bed. Each comic ends with Nemo waking up in bed, usually in a different way. There were a few comics in which he was falling in slumberland and when he would wake up he would be on the floor. I found this transition between the sleeping world and his reality very interesting because it kept s degree of continuity in the story but also added a fun panel at the end. This was a great way to bring the reader back to the read world and pull back from each story also. I think the transitions form different scenes and places within the book are done amazing and waking up has to be my favorite.

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