Sunday, August 30, 2009

Understanding Comics! A response

I finally finished reading "Understanding Comics" by Scott McCloud today. I must admit I was not expecting such an in depth analysis of comics. I had never really thought of them as a medium as Scott builds them up to be. I found his explanation of how words and pictures must work together to form a comic interesting. He talks about how the two mediums must interact and be aware of one another in a way that otherwise is not done. I find a lot of the things he touches on in this book can be applied to other mediums of art as well and not just comics which makes the book helpful to any artist reading it. Besides helping me understanding comics and other forms of art, after reading this it really made me want to start a comic of mine own. In middle school and early high school a drew a lot of comics and made a few web comics and after seeing how much more you can do with them I am seriously considering making a new comics as a side project while I am here at Ringling.

This was truly a great read for the first book in this class, even if it wasn't the most enjoyable it gives everyone i nthe class common ground on some of the major theory behind comics. I think that explaining the medium by using it was a great idea. This gives Scott the abality to really demonstrate what he is trying to say.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

So this is the new year

I am finally back at Ringling and classes start tomorrow, I cant wait. I still need to get all of my room stuff sorted but man am I glad to be back. I'll also be using this blog for my Literature of the Comics and Graphic Narrative class so... yeah. I am off for now